Copy word table to excel using macro
Copy word table to excel using macro

copy word table to excel using macro

" Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") bXStarted = True End If On Error GoTo 0 'Open the workbook to input the data Set xlWB = (strPath) ' Get sheet by name Set xlSheet = xlWB.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Get sheet by index # ' Set xlSheet = xlWB.Sheets(1) xlApp.Visible = True For Each Item In Set doc = ' to get all tables For x = 1 To '' Get last table ' x = Set r = doc.You have a Word template with some useful macros. Current output is: Sub SaveEmailTablestoExcel() Dim Item As MailItem, x% Dim r As Object 'As Word.Range Dim doc As Object 'As Word.Document Dim iRow As Long 'row index Dim xlApp As Object, xlWB As Object Dim xlSheet As Object Dim strPath As String Dim bXStarted As Boolean Dim enviro As String enviro = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE")) 'the path of the workbook strPath = enviro & "\Documents\Book1.xlsx" On Error Resume Next Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") If Err 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while Excel source is opened. Can't get it to work on multiple emails either. Having trouble getting this to copy and paste anything besides the code in outlook itself. Sub CopyTabletoExcel(Item As Outlook.MailItem)įirst: You need to have macro security set to low during testing.

copy word table to excel using macro

See " Run-a-Script Rules Missing in Outlook" for more information. To restore the run a script option, you need to set a registry key. Outlook 20's Run a script rule is missing from all builds released after June 2017. It copies last table in the message to a new Excel workbook. Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")įor Each Item In Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")Īpplication.StatusBar = "Please wait while Excel source is opened. StrPath = enviro & "\Documents\Book1.xlsx" It saves the contents of the last table to a workbook stored in the user's Documents folder. This version of the macro runs on the selected message(s). While the examples on this page copy the data in the second table only, you can get the data from all tables by using For x = 1 To (and the matching Next) in place of x =. Note: if there are blank cells in the table, the contents of the row may paste into the wrong cell. The table values from additional emails would be added to after the last used row.

Copy word table to excel using macro